Jonathan Bean

Note: Title was current at time of award and may have changed.
Climate Heroes: Transforming the Built Environment
Too many UArizona students express hopelessness about climate change—one of the most daunting and important grand challenges of our time. But we have cause for optimism: innovation in the built environment has the potential to reduce nearly half of achievable carbon reductions by 2050. Using tools from Legitimation Code Theory, this CUES project ties in-depth knowledge of the realities of climate change to built environment solutions, present and future. Students are matched with diverse expert mentors to become active participants in transforming the daily reality of our built environment, core to the mission of our land grant university. Aiming to build students’ agency to address indeterminate problems, and guided by UArizona leadership in environmental education, this project contributes to UArizona’s learning experience and related scholarship, enhancing our contributions to a climate-positive future.
Bean, J. (2022). Reflections on the adoption of Building Performance Simulation in Architectural Education (Paper presentation). 2022 Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild, Chicago, IL.
Bean, J. (2022). Cracking the Code: A New Perspective on Architectural Education. Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Conference: Conference Proceedings, May 18-20, 2022.
Truitt, S., Bean, J., Sullivan, J., Paranjothi, G. & Moe, A. (2022). Completing the Circuit: Workforce Development for Advanced Building Construction and Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-5500-80480.
SEP 2022: One Step at a Time: Why Confidence, Familiarity and Trust are Key to Building Performance Simulation in Architectural Education, 2022 Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild, Chicago, IL.
MAY 2022: Cracking the Code: A New Perspective on Architectural Education, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) 110th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Virtual.
MAY 2022: Beyond Boundaries: Education to Advance the Transformation of the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operations Industry, 6th Residential Building Design & Construction Conference, Pennsylvania Housing Research Center, University Park, PA, Virtual.
APR 2022: Enhancing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning through Mentor-Supported Research Design, CUES Inside UAZ-Funded Scholarship Series, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
NOV 2021: Socially-Aware Quantitative Intuition: From Definition to Measurement, CUES Inside UAZ-Funded Scholarship Series, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.