2019 Events

2019 Events

NOV 2019 | The integration of ACTFL Standard in Arabic Pedagogy (Extramural)

2019 Annual Convention of the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages, sponsored by the American Association of University Supervisors, Coordinators, and Directors of Language Programs

A presentation featuring CUES Distinguished Fellow, Mahmoud Azaz and his CUES project

Extramural Fellows/Grantees Presentations

NOV 2019 | The Will to Reimagine the Study of Higher Education (Extramural)

Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) National Conference

A presentation featuring CUES Distinguished Fellow, John Pollard and his CUES project (with Megan Baker, PhD Student)

Extramural Fellows/Grantees Presentations

NOV 2019 | Enhancing Student Learning Outcomes Through Experiential Learning and Human-Centered Design Thinking

Featuring Brian Mayer, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Associate Professor of Sociology and Public Health, this interactive seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.

Inside UAZ-Funded Scholarship Series

OCT 2019 | Big Ideas, Interdisciplinary Thinking (Extramural)

Association for Interdisciplinary Studies Conference 2019

A presentation featuring CUES Distinguished Fellow, John Pollard and his CUES project (with Megan Baker, PhD Student)

Extramural Fellows/Grantees Presentations

OCT 2019 | Global Citizenship for Campus, Community, and Careers: Crossing Borders and Boundaries (Extramural)

Association for American Colleges and Universities (AACU)

A presentation featuring CUES Distinguished Fellow, John Pollard and his CUES project (with Megan Baker, PhD Student)

Extramural Fellows/Grantees Presentations

SEP 2019 | Teaching Distracted Minds

Are our cell phones destroying our ability to pay attention? Are students these days incapable of sitting down and focusing on difficult readings, because they are so used to scrolling continuously through their phones? Has the advent of our latest technologies changed the human brain? Do we need to re-think our education systems for our tech-saturated world? Or should we focus instead on teaching students to focus their minds using techniques like mindfulness?

Teaching Distracted Minds will give creative solutions for the problems that educators at all levels are having with distracted students in class and offer some new ideas for how careful thinking about attention and distraction can improve the education we provide.

Interactive Keynotes

SEP 2019 | Inspiring Better Learning: Starting the Semester Off Right

On the first day of class, your students are forming a lasting impression not just of you as a teacher but of your course, too. Their early, thin-slice judgments are powerful enough to condition their attitudes toward the entire course, the effort they are willing to put into it, and the relationship they will have with you and their peers throughout the semester.

Inspiring Better Learning: Starting the Semester Off Right covers four core principles to help shape your first day of class and beyond.

Interactive Keynotes

JUN 2019 | Engaging Students, 21st Century Style (Extramural)

Language, Literature and Linguistics (L3) Conference

A presentation featuring CUES Distinguished Fellow, Bryan Carter and his CUES project

Extramural Fellows/Grantees Presentations

APR 2019 | MECha Workshop: Quantitative Intuition Across the Disciplines

This two-day workshop expands the scholarship of quantitative intuition. Leveraging expertise and interest from UArizona instructors from diverse disciplines, we will explore and envision frameworks and curricula that deepen our understanding of quantitative intuition and engage students more successfully in discipline-specific quantitative reasoning. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Interplay of emotions and numbers: making data human
  • Tension between (1) simplicity and realism, (2) examples and abstraction
  • Role and impact of symbols
  • Graphs and tables that “speak”
  • Telling stories with meaning: whole numbers, decimals, rounding, and percentages
  • Relating measurements to everyday objects

Throughout the two days, participants will share quantitative challenges and successes, characterize quantitative intuition and transferrability, and discuss implementation in UArizona courses and further research. 

MECha Workshops

MAR 2019 | Informed Perspective-Taking: A New Gen Ed Model

Featuring John Pollard, CUES Distinguished Fellow and Associate Dean of the Honors College, this interactive seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.

Inside UAZ-Funded Scholarship Series