Enhancing Student Learning Outcomes Through Experiential Learning and Human-Centered Design Thinking

Inside UA-Funded Scholarship


noon – 1:30 p.m., Nov. 19, 2019
Headshot of Brian Mayer

Featuring Brian Mayer, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Associate Professor of Sociology and Public Health, this interactive seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.


  • Abra McAndrew, Assistant Vice President, Access Engagement and Opportunity
  • Amy Kimme Hea, CUES Advisory Board Member; Associate Dean for Instruction, Social and Behavioral Sciences; Associate Professor, RCTE
  • Paul Blowers, CUES Distinguished Fellow; Distinguished Professor, Chemical & Environmental Engineering; Associate Professor, Public Health
  • Cheryl Lacasse, CUES Distinguished Fellow; Clinical Professor, Nursing; Director, Teaching/Learning Practice and Evaluation

Prospective CUES Distinguished Fellows are encouraged to attend.

(video not available for this event)

Inside UAZ-Funded Scholarship Series