Emily Jo Schwaller

Assistant Professor of Practice, University Center for Assessment, Teaching & Technology (UCATT)
Assistant Director, Writing Across the Curriculum
2024 CUES Distinguished Fellow
Headshot of Emily Jo Schwaller

Note: Title was current at time of award and may have changed.

Serving HSI Undergraduates through Meaningful Writing

Students write in all disciplines and contexts but what makes these learning opportunities meaningful?  Meaningful writing centers student agency, supports transfer of learning, and honors students’ past experiences and assets (Eodice, Geller, & Lerner, 2017).  At our institution, more than 500 instructors teach writing across majors and disciplines but there is limited research on how faculty develop and implement meaningful writing opportunities for all students.  This project identifies and maps dimensions of meaningful writing across student majors and college careers and leverages quantitative evidence to create and assess evidence-based professional development opportunities for instructors.  By supporting meaningful writing in the classroom this project aims to further serve undergraduates at a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) and attend to our land-grant mission and the CUES mission to positively impact the quality of education across campus.

2024 CUES Distinguished Fellows