Vignesh Subbian

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Assistant Professor, Systems and Industrial Engineering
2018 CUES Distinguished Fellow
Photo of Vignesh Subbian

Note: Title was current at time of award and may have changed.

Infusing Social Responsibility and Ethics into the Development of STEM Students

Ethical and social issues in the practice of science and engineering are becoming highly prevalent and multifaceted because of the growing complexity of technology, the nature of public policies, and digital disruption in our society. This demands that our students have a stronger understanding of ethical and societal implications of their work, and are equipped to make well-reasoned decisions that are consistent with their personal and professional values. This project will develop tools to enhance ethics education, and better prepare our students, particularly those from engineering majors, in dealing with ethical issues related to their practice as well as emerging technologies.


Subbian, V., & Shaw, L., & Halpin, C. (2022). Ethical Decision-Making Frameworks for Engineering Education: A Cross-Disciplinary Review. Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. Available from:

Subbian, V., & Shaw, L. R. (2020). Piloting an Adaptive Ethical Decision-making Tool for Engineering Students. Paper presented at 2020 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Virtual Annual Conference. Available from:


MAR 2021: The Project-to-Publication Pipeline in CUES Sponsored Educational Innovation, CUES Inside UA-Funded Scholarship Series, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (Virtual).

NOV 2018: Ethics and Adaptive Decision-Making for STEM Students, CUES Inside UA-Funded Scholarship Series, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

2018 CUES Distinguished Fellows