Events highlighting a CUES Distinguished Fellowship project followed by a panel discussion of the project and the CUES Fellowship process. We encourage all prospective Fellows to attend.
APR 2025 | Inside U of A-Funded Scholarship Series (Speakers: 2022 Spanning Boundaries Team)
Featuring members of the 2022 CUES Spanning Boundaries Team, this in-person exhibition will bring you inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for advancing teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
APR 2025 | Reflection in Experiential Learning: Improving Affective Student Learning Outcomes
Featuring Brian Mayer, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Acting Director of the School of Sociology, Professor of Sociology, and Professor of Public Health, this hybrid seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for advancing teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
MAR 2025 | Place-Based Learning in the Arizona Borderlands
Featuring Jennifer Jenkins, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Professor in the Southwest Studies Center and Professor of English, this hybrid seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for advancing teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
NOV 2024 | From Harlem to Holograms: The Future of Immersive Education
Featuring Bryan Carter, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Director of the Center for Digital Humanities, Professor of Africana Studies, and Professor of Applied Intercultural Arts Research - GIDP, this virtual/volumetric broadcast seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for advancing teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
OCT 2024 | Translanguaging Pedagogy in Journalism Classrooms
Featuring Jessica Retis, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Director of the School of Journalism, Director of the Master's in Bilingual Journalism Program, and Professor of Journalism, this hybrid seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for advancing teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
SEP 2024 | Increasing equity and access with personalized AI learning support
Featuring Kathleen Kennedy, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Associate Professor of Practice, Retailing & Consumer Sciences, this hybrid seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for advancing teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
APR 2024 | Patient Rescue Simulations Using XR, AI & Biosensors
Featuring Janine Hinton, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Associate Clinical Professor of Nursing, and Director of the Steele Innovative Learning Center, this in-person seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
FEB 2024 | Engaging a Mentor-Apprentice Model for Learning the Diné Language
Featuring Aresta Tsosie-Paddock, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Assistant Professor of American Indian Studies, Assistant Professor of Linguistics, and Assistant Professor of American Indian Studies-GIDP, this in-person seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
NOV 2023 | Creating Cross-Cultural, Interdisciplinary Academic Research Experiences
Featuring Spanning Boundaries Grantees Caitlyn Hall, Nicole Antebi, Lysette Davi, Laura Horley, and Kenneth Kokroko, this in-person seminar and panel will bring you inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for advancing teaching and learning at UArizona.
SEP 2023 | Do high production videos lead to better online learning?
Featuring Caleb Simmons, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Executive Director of Online Education, Director of the Interdisciplinary Studies Program, and Associate Professor of Religious Studies & Classics, this in-person seminar will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
MAR 2023 | Individualized Format Readability: The Messy Research Processes of Educational Technologies
Featuring Shelley Rodrigo, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Associate Writing Specialist, and Senior Director of the Writing Program, this hybrid seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
FEB 2023 | Developing an Instrument to Gauge the Decoloniality of Curriculum and Pedagogy
Featuring William Simmons, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Professor of Gender & Women's Studies, and Director of the Human Rights Practice Program, this hybrid seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
NOV 2022 | How do TAs Learn to Teach Inquiry-Based Labs? Insights from Research & Practice
Featuring Molly Bolger, CUES Distinguished Fellow, and Associate Professor of Molecular & Cellular Biology, this hybrid seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
OCT 2022 | Bilingual Journalism in the Borderlands: A Novel Approach to Teaching, Learning and Scholarship
Featuring Jessica Retis, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Professor of Journalism, and Director of the School of Journalism, this hybrid seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
APR 2022 | Enhancing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning through Mentor-Supported Research Design
This moderated panel will feature 2021 CUES Distinguished Fellows and a group of faculty mentors reflecting about CUES’ inaugural Fellows Learning Community (FeLC). The discussion will offer insights on the experience of engaging in educational research design and describe some of the central research questions in the four most recent CUES funded projects.
MAR 2022 | Archives in the Early Undergraduate Classroom: A Case Study
Featuring Matthew Mugmon, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Associate Professor of Music, and Daveen Fox Endowed Chair (2017-19), this hybrid seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
FEB 2022 | iVoices: Channeling Student Technology Experiences into New Media, Curricula, and Scholarship
Featuring Diana Daly, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Assistant Professor, School of Information, and Director of Undergraduate Studies and Individual Studies, School of Information, this virtual seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
DEC 2021 | Enhancing Pedagogy with Data-Driven Learning: Student Writing as the Site and Source for Instructional Change
Featuring Shelley Staples, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Associate Professor of English, and Associate Professor of Second Language Acquisition/Teaching - GIDP, this hybrid seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
NOV 2021 | Socially-Aware Quantitative Intuition: From Definition to Measurement
Featuring two members of the inaugural CUES Spanning Boundaries Team, Anne Boustead and Victor Braitberg, this hybrid seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
APR 2021 | Integrating National Guidelines in Foreign Language Teaching: The case of Arabic Dialects
Featuring Mahmoud Azaz, CUES Distinguished Fellow and Associate Professor of Middle Eastern and North African Studies, this virtual seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
MAR 2021 | The Project-to-Publication Pipeline in CUES Sponsored Educational Innovation
Featuring a panel of CUES Distinguished Fellows and their co-authors, this virtual seminar and panel will offer perspectives on the process of writing and publishing on CUES-funded education innovation, as a means to catalyze scholarship of teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
APR 2020 | Achieving a Small-Class Feel in Large Online Lectures: the Promise of 360˚ Broadcasting
Featuring Bryan Carter, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Director of the Center for Digital Humanities, and Associate Professor of Africana Studies, this virtual seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
FEB 2020 | Enhancing Online Learning: Designing Immersive Virtual Experiences
Featuring Cheryl Lacasse, CUES Distinguished Fellow and Clinical Professor of Nursing and Director of Teaching and Learning Practice and Evaluation, this interactive seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
NOV 2019 | Enhancing Student Learning Outcomes Through Experiential Learning and Human-Centered Design Thinking
Featuring Brian Mayer, CUES Distinguished Fellow, Associate Professor of Sociology and Public Health, this interactive seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
MAR 2019 | Informed Perspective-Taking: A New Gen Ed Model
Featuring John Pollard, CUES Distinguished Fellow and Associate Dean of the Honors College, this interactive seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
NOV 2018 | Ethics and Adaptive Decision-Making for STEM Students
Featuring Vignesh Subbian, CUES Distinguished Fellow and Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering & Systems and Industrial Engineering, this interactive seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.
OCT 2018 | Better Retention through Simple, Asset-Based Teaching
Featuring Paul Blowers, CUES Distinguished Fellow and Professor of Chemical & Environmental Engineering and Public Health, this interactive seminar and panel will bring participants inside a CUES funded project and unpack its relevance for catalyzing the practice of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Arizona.